The best alternative to the car for getting around the city with your children
Always on time, even with a busy schedule
Go to work, take the kids to school, go shopping. Everything is easier with BCargo Family!
Easy and free parking
Thanks to the central stand and the compact size compared to other cargo bikes, you can park BCargo Family practically wherever you want.
Cost per kilometer close to zero
BCargo Family helps you make ends meet in the family, because the cost of daily transport is practically reduced to zero.
Have fun and stay fit
Thanks to pedal assistance, time normally wasted in traffic is transformed into time spent doing gentle physical activity. A long-term investment in your health!
Be part of the change
By using the cargo e-bike for your daily commute, you actively contribute to improving life in your city.
Safe and agile in traffic
BCargo Family is built to withstand the uneven road surfaces typical of our cities. Reliability and safety are at the highest level!
Forget your car!

Our children's shuttle

3-point safety belts
The 3-point safety belts and eco-leather cushions make your children's journey safe and comfortable

Plenty of space
On the back of the canopy, 2 large pockets give you extra space that is always close at hand.

Origami design
With our unique design, opening and closing the soft top is child's play!